

Residential Electrical

We provide a wide range of residential electrical services, from minor fixes to major upgrades. Our expertise covers lighting installations, outlets, switches, fixtures, main panel upgrades, home rewires, generator transfer switches, outdoor lighting, ceiling fans, code violation corrections, carbon monoxide and fire detectors, surge protection, troubleshooting, and more.

Whether it’s enhancing aesthetics, ensuring code compliance, or addressing safety concerns, we will provide you with quality comprehensive residential electrical solutions.


Commercial Electrical

Explore a variety of our commercial services, covering new home construction, EV charger installations, commercial upfits, and beyond.

With a proven track record of completing projects on time and within budget, we comprehend the unique demands of commercial projects, from complexity levels to operational schedules. Our team specializes in delivering solutions to enhance the efficiency, modernity, and future readiness of your commercial spaces.


EV Chargers

Charge into the future with a home EV charging solution! Say goodbye to waiting in lines at public stations – wake up to a fully charged vehicle ready for your next adventure.

Powering your EV at home not only contributes to a cleaner environment but also boosts your home’s value by 1.5x! Our expert technicians install all EV charger brands, finding the perfect location and capacity for your specific needs.



Stay powered up during outages with a reliable home generator. Never worry about spoiled food or being left in the dark. Our team ensures a hassle-free installation, offering top brands like Generac, Kohler, and Cummins for customizable solutions to fit your home’s needs and budget. Be prepared for any circumstance with a tailored generator solution.


Smart Home Panels

SPAN Panel revolutionizes home energy management, offering a comprehensive solution for electrification upgrades such as EV chargers, heat pumps, solar power systems, and battery storage. With real-time monitoring through the SPAN Home app, you gain precise control over your home’s energy usage.

Additionally, SPAN ensures the ultimate whole-home backup by intelligently extending backup length during outages when paired with battery storage. The system’s dynamic load management feature prepares your home for future upgrades.


Real Estate Professionals

At Point Electric LLC, we take great pride in our strong partnerships with the real estate community and value the trust placed in us by investors, realtors, and property management companies.
Recognizing the fast-paced nature of real estate projects and the importance of meeting tight deadlines, we provide efficient and dependable electrical services that comply with codes and cater to the requirements of modern home buyers. 

Our comprehensive services include electrical inspections, panel upgrades, rewiring assistance, various lighting installations, ceiling fan installation, additional outlets, safety compliance, and more.

Let’s Discuss Your Next Project!

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